Last week to save on White Tantric Yoga!
We are just weeks away from our all day meditation course - the blessing that is White Tantric Yoga. We hope you are keeping up with your Sat Kriya sadhana.This course is open to all - those new to Kundalini Yoga and seasoned practitioners. We can't wait to see you there!
APRIL 5 is the last day to register at the early bird rate!
Lots of GONG going on!

Saturday, April 5 3:30pm-5:30pm Healing the Chakras w/ Kundalini Yoga & the Gong
Friday, April 18 7:15pm-8:30pm Monthly (Third Fridays) Healing Gong Meditation
Prosperity Workshop with Jai Satya

Join us as we dive into the renewal of Spring. Learn to bring prosperity into your life on multiple levels. Be prepared to be challenged, motivated and fully engaged. Leave ready to receive all that the Universe has to offer you!
Sunday, April 13 2-4pm @ Mandala Yoga
Renew to be YOU - Donation class
Love yourself and your life as you offer what seems right to Living Yoga. All proceeds of this class will be used to further the efforts of this amazing organization that brings yoga into prisons and recovery facilities. Wahe Guru!
Sunday, April 20 10:00am - 11:30am @ Shakti House