Level 1 Teacher Training begins this Fall.

We are looking forward to this fall when we will see who makes the commitment to show up and take that big step in going deeper! Whether or not you decide to become a teacher and share these teachings is entirely up to you. Thinking about Teacher Training, but still not sure if you are ready? Join us on July 21 for an informal Q&A during a lunchtime picnic in Laurelhurst Park. Details are on our calendar and Facebook page.
From the first moment he began to teach Kundalini Yoga Yogi Bhajan declared "I have come to create teachers, not to gather students. I have come by my Guru's grace to serve those souls who shall serve the Aquarian Age." The Aquarian Age is here "whether we feel, know or understand or not. Past is going to become obsolete, and teachers of the Age of Aquarius are going to help humanity. This is your chance to become leaders with love and affection."
Workshop in Beaverton June 26
When - Wednesday, June 26, 2013; 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Where - Beaverton Healing Center - 4590 SW Watson Avenue; Beaverton, OR 97005
What to bring - Bring yourself, your friends and wear clothes you can move in. Mats and props are available for your use, and you may bring your own if you choose.
Cost - $10 drop-in / If you have a membership with Beaverton Healing Center, you may use it for this class.