The Panj met this month - read the short notes here and find out what they are up to. Next meeting is February 8 just after sadhana at Shakti House.
pssssst! SAVE the DATE: White Tantric in Eugene: MAY 9!
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We are going to Breitenbush in April! Please join us for the day or the weekend - April 10-12. Details can be found here or on the calendar. Please reserve your spot - even for day use you must make a reservation.
The Panj met this month - read the short notes here and find out what they are up to. Next meeting is February 8 just after sadhana at Shakti House. pssssst! SAVE the DATE: White Tantric in Eugene: MAY 9!
Meditative Music & Healing Gong Experience with Akal Dub and Signa Cheney Sat February 7th 7:00-9:00pm $20 in advance, $25 at the door 2nd Sundays Gong Meditation
with Signa Cheney and Curtis Kidwell Sun February 8th 2:00-4:00pm $20 in advance, $25 drop-in The Art Of Sadhana and Group ConsciousnessPlease join us in the coming weeks at our home for The Art Of Sadhana and Group Consciousness. We will be exploring the power of Intent as the new year unfolds, clarifying our dreams, visions, inspirations and aspirations and exploring how a conscious community can hold and support our intent. Above all we will explore how to enter this awakening Aquarian Age through the awareness of the heart center. We will meet on the following Monday evenings at our home at 550 NE Tillamook St. at 7pm: January 19; February 2; March 2; March 16; March 30. Love and Light, Hardev and Gurucharan Rebirthing series From November 1988 through March of 1999 Yogi Bhajan taught a series of classes which he called "re-birthing". He was teaching a series to give people the opportunity to clear the subconscious of “traumas” of early childhood and beyond. We are so blessed that these classes were video taped! In 2011 a manual & accompanying DVD set came out with transcripts of the lectures as well as the yoga/meditation he taught. This is a really powerful body of information. We highly recommend taking the time to take these courses. The experience is transformative. Happening now! Two options to participate in the Rebirthing series! Take advantage of one or both! Feel free to "jump in" at any point. 1) Hari Dass' beings a 10 week series on Monday, January 19 at Mandala. Class from 7:30pm - 9:00pm. 2) The Nam Kirets began hosting the entire series at their home last weekend. Please contact them if you are interested in joining. View the schedule here. Class in NE begins Jan 21 Welcome Pritam Kaur to Portland! We're glad she's teaching! Please note that space is limited, click image to register.
NEWS & EVENTSHere is where you will find the latest news and happenings for Kundalini Yoga Portland! Categories
February 2024