Sacred Geometry of Water
Then, learn about sacred geometry and how it affects water, Eric Little will provide a interactive presentation of how TC Energy Carafes positively influence our own energy - we are, after all, about 70% water!
Carafes will be for sale - they make a great gift! Please RSVP and learn more on the Facebook event page or the calendar.
Yogi Roots Festival

We want YOU!
We also discussed having sadhana more than once a week! Interested in that? Would you lead sadhana? Again. contact us or come to the next Panj meeting!
Want to know what else the Panj talked about at our October meeting? Read the minutes here.
The next meeting is on November 24 - 7am at Shakti House. Come to sadhana and stay for the beginning of the meeting to share you ideas!
SAVE THE DATE: White Tantric Yoga
Check out the White Tantric Yoga® page to resister and learn more.