Every year we celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s birthday. This is a very cozy occasion when we chant together in gratitude for all the priceless teachings he shared with us.
For eleven days (August 15-25) chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes each day. Call on Guru Ram Das using Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra.
Join with others at 7pm or chant on your own. Locations of the community chant are posted on the calendar.
Saturday, August 26 - Yogi Bhajan's birthday!
Then we chant Long Ek Ong Kars for 2.5 hours. WOW! It is a powerful experience indeed! To learn more about this mantra and why we chant it, please read this.
The Little Church
5138 NE 23rd Ave, Portland, Oregon 97211
Here's the schedule:
2:30 doors open
2:40 Japji begins
2:55 TUNE IN
3:00 11 minutes of simultaneous world-wide chanting of Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru begins
3:12ish 2.5 hours long Ek Ong Kars begins
Hope you can make it! RSVP at the Facebook event page :)