The panj (Kundalini Yoga Portland's board of directors) is in need of a treasurer. Being on the panj is a great way to get to know others in the community! When you serve in this capacity you are never alone - this is the Aquarian Age! - Siri Singh will train the next treasurer (see his note at the end of this post).
Nominations for treasurer are now being accepted. Please read the position description below & feel free to nominate yourself or someone else. Send any nominations to [email protected] by April 12.
Panj Treasurer Position Description
- Integrity. This money belongs to the community and is entrusted to the treasurer to keep track of it.
- Accurate accounting and organizational skills.
- Good computer skills.
- Can you balance a complex checkbook and do your own taxes?
- Passion for the Kundalini Yoga community & the teachings of Yogi Bhajan.
- Manage/monitor the community's money. This money comes from member's dues, workshop income, donations, EFT, Paypal accounts and is kept in a checking account. The checking and paypal accounts are owned by Kundalini Yoga Portland. As Treasurer you can open/close accounts and write checks as needed. These transactions are recorded in a ledger.
- Write checks as needed.
- Make regular deposits of check and cash in the bank account. Transfer monies from Paypal account into bank account.
- Prepare and file State and Federal taxes.
- File annual 501C3 status forms.
- File other forms with the State and Feds as needed
- Attend monthly Panj meetings. Present list of current members, current bank balance. Discuss financial situation, projected income and expenses, etc. Participate in the growth and management of Kundalini Yoga Portland.
Time Commitment:
- 1-2 hours per week to keep organized. Go on-line and check account balances, transfer monies from paypal to the bank account. Communicate with members via phone and email.
- 2 trips to the bank per month to deposit cash and checks.
- Tax prep will take a several hours once a year.
- 2 hours per month for Panj meetings
A note from Siri:
Being the Treasurer for the last two years has been a demanding, yet rewarding position for me. It has been a honor to serve the Community and help it grow. At this time I feel my enthusiasm waining and it is time for me to step aside and make space for a new Treasurer. I plan on continuing to manage and teach at Awakenings, so the new Treasurer will not be responsible for this. I will be available to train the new Treasurer for as long as needed... review the books and accounts, help with taxes next year, etc.
Many Blessings,
Siri Singh