We had so much fun getting together for 11 evenings in August for Yogi Ji's birthday let's do it again for Guru Ram Das'!!
For 11 days prior to his birthday (from Sept 28 - Oct 8) we chant the shabad Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes at 7pm. This is the Shabad of Miracles. Then, on October 9, the day of Guru Ram Das Ji's birth, we have a special sadhana of chanting the shabad 'Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru' for 2 ½ hours in the Amrit Vela. What a special time. Let's call on a miracle!
Contact Guru Surya Kaur to sign up to host one evening.
Listen to versions of Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru on Spirit Voyage.
Wahe Guru!!