For eleven days (August 15-25) chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes each day. Call on Guru Ram Das using Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra.
Join with others at 7pm or chant on your own. Locations of the evening chants are posted on the calendar.
Simultaneous Worldwide Guru Ram Das Chant: Friday, August 26.
We will begin with Japji at 2:45am on Yogi Ji's birthday. Then at exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time our worldwide community simultaneously chants Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. Then we chant Long Ek Ong Kars for 2.5 hours. WOW! It is a powerful experience indeed! To learn more about this mantra and why we chant it, please read this.
The Gathering Place 2714 NE Alberta St. Portland, OR 97211